COG Uses Funding From SC Department of Commerce to Keep Kids Safe on Buses
PRESS RELEASE: January 24, 2022 MEDIA CONTACT: Chris McKinney (803-774-1384) COG Uses Funding from SC Department of Commerce to Keep Kids Safe on Buses Santee-Lynches Regional COG received over $858K to install cutting edge technology on 331 school buses. SUMTER, SC – The South Carolina Department of Commerce received $39,499,819 into the Community Block […]
The Air Your Kids Share in School
PRESS RELEASE: Aug. 24, 2022 MEDIA CONTACT: David Greenough (843-474-4900) USUV Clean partners with Santee-Lynches COG to protect school kids. Sumter, SC – In a bold move, the Santee-Lynches COG fought for and acquired $1.5 million in funding to install Far-UVC Lights across four rural school districts. USUV Clean won the contract and […]
Clarendon schools install UVC lights districtwide.
Ray Little, an installation technician with USUV Clean LLC, installs a Far-UVC 222 nm wavelength ceiling-mounted disinfectant lighting unit outside the Manning High School Lecture Hall on Monday.
If you think Covid is over… Think again… Let’s stop the next tragedy before it starts…
The Forgotten Victims of Pandemics
Cutting Edge Technology Comes to Sumter School Buses
Cutting Edge Technology Comes to Sumter School Buses Using a grant from the Federal Government, Santee-Lynches Regional Council of Governments helped provide cutting edge technology that eradicates viruses like Covid and other germs to provide a safer transport to school. The grant was used to install FAR UVC sanitizing technology in school buses. The technology […]